Hyper-Targeted Ads Bringing Awareness to VIP Ticket Options
The company promoting VIP tickets for Crowder’s “My People Tour” was looking to spread awareness about these unique experiences. The Wander Creative team was tasked with creating hyper-targeted ads that engaged people most likely to purchase VIP tickets. The results included reaching over half a million people and extremely high click-through rates of users wanting to learn more about VIP opportunities.
Digital Advertising

From May 20th – June 19th of 2022, we ran a geo-targeted campaign for Crowder’s “My People Tour”, which ended up gathering just shy of 14,000 link clicks, collected over 553k Impressions and a final CTR of 2.52%. During the course of the campaign, we ran/tested multiple ad creatives, copy variations and headlines in order to find the right ad for the audiences we were targeting. This testing phase resulted in a stronger ad and better engagement from Facebook and Instagram users. We ran our ads with a 100 mile radius around each of the nine cities that we targeted, and focused on targeting Crowder’s engaged fans.
Within our field, we consider a Click-through-rate of 1% as good, 1.5% very good, and 2%+ as great. Only one geo-market out of 9 that we targeted was below 2% and sat right at 1.84%, which sits in the “Very Good” category. The top performing market for the tour sat at a CTR of 3.5%, leaving 8 out of the 9 shows in the 2%+ category.
A Majority of the ads we ran for Crowder’s tour were ranked “Above Average” by Facebook’s ad ranking metric. This means that our ads for Crowder outperformed other similar ads competing for the same audience.